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Mrs Rita Abi Rached is hosted by grade 4
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Mrs Banna Chaar writes,

Mrs. Aline and I invited Mrs. Rita Abi Rached to our Geography class. Mrs. Rita currently resides in KSA and has recently experienced a sandstorm. She joined us in order to inform the students about the world's hottest desert, the Sahara.

Mrs. Rita had a road trip across the desert, where she came across some bedouins, saw their tents, rode black camels, drove through a sandstorm, and endured the desert heat. She even visited the "Edge of the World", or Jebel Fihrayn, which is a geological wonder in the rocky part of the desert. It got its name because once you are standing on top of this geological site, you can see an uninterrupted view of the horizon.  

The children were fascinated by the videos and pictures that she shared with us. They were happy to see a teacher who had previously taught them. 

Stay safe!