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Rami Atmeh is guest of grade 9
Monday, April 19, 2021

Mr Rami Atmeh visited grade 9 for a superb session that raised the students' morale.

Mrs Aila Khoury informs us: 

My motto for this year is: "If you stay positive in a negative situation you win". That's why I decided to spread positivity among the 9th graders, despite all the hardships that our country and the world are passing through. Our guest this time joined us from Australia, and the students were excited to meet the head of Transformation for the biggest retailer in Australia: "Woolworths Group".

Mr. Rami Atme is also a CTI alumnus who spent 15 years in its midst.
I had the chance to teach Rami, my brother, whom I am very proud of.
Mr. Rami believes that teachers plant the seeds of knowledge that last a lifetime.

Among the many inspirational things Mr. Rami said was: "If teenagers passing through WWI had given up, Riad Al Solh and Bechara El Khoury wouldn't have established the Lebanon we know and love today"